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Face it. You suck!

If you're anything like me, you've told yourself this before: "you're terrible at guitar and your music stinks!" Well, before you go and believe this, you need to actually look at everything from a third person perspective. You can always be your biggest critic. This could hold you back, or it could empower you to improve more. It's your choice. The best choice is obviously the latter.

It's human nature to compare yourself to other people, so It can be hard to not do this. However, the only real person that you can compare yourself to is yourself. If you compare yourself to who you were yesterday, you might say "Hey, I couldn't play this lick yesterday, but now I can!" That's a great feeling! Then think back even farther. What are some other things that you've improved on? If you compare yourself to yourself like this, you are able to really see how you are improving!

If you compare yourself to someone like Jimi Hendrix, you aren't going to be able to see those kind of improvements. You aren't Jimi Hendrix. You can't play like him..... yet! Although you shouldn't compare yourself to someone else, you should find cool things to play that are challenging. Personally, I want to be able to play "The Nervous Breakdown" by Brad Paisley. Here's the link to a video to check it out:

At this point in time, I don't have that fast of fingers. I can't play like that, so there's no reason to think I should try to play that fast. So what I've done so far is I've slowed it down to half the tempo so that I can play the notes and play them cleanly. It was weird to start, but after trying to use different fingers, it became more natural. looking at these little improvements can help keep you motivated to improve even more.

When you first start learning something new, you aren't going to be able to do it. It's going to be hard. It's going to make you want to quit. Some people will quit, but if you stick with it and hold on, you will find that you can do anything. Positive thoughts will always create positive things!


Pentwater, MI

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